• Testimonials

    Words can't describe how incredible working with Missy is, but I will do my best to try. Missy is amazing and has impacted my life for the positive in so many ways. She is just about the kindest person I know. I felt comfortable from the moment I met her and was drawn to her loving, down to earth approach, which also included a bit of humor. She is an excellent listener and is always completely engaged. She is extremely responsive, flexible and reliable. Missy has been a guide, mentor, and coach to me through a challenging time in my life. She has helped me see things differently that have looked solid to me for many years. She had me question things that I saw as absolute truth, and as a result, things shifted. Is my life completely without stress and anxiety? Is it full of constant happy feelings? No, but what I have found is that I see the gift in the challenging times. I have come to learn my own resilience, how I am growing and how life really does have my back. Without trying, things in my life have changed for the better, and I find myself living with much more ease most of the time. I find myself connecting deeper to life at times. Missy really is an excellent coach.


    Oakland, California




    My beautiful Missy,
    Sharing my experience of life with you has truly been an eye-opener to me! I really feel SO seen, loved, and heard by you! I’ve been able to get in contact with my deepest inner feelings during our conversations. I loved being led into my wisdom by your support.
    I really look forward to every time we are together!
    I am also a big fan of your blogs! They are amazing and hopefully they will be in a book one day soon. I could write pages up and down admiring you as a coach and an author. AND what you manage to get ME see in ME.
    THANK you so very much for being there for me!!!
    Oslo, Norway

    I contacted Missy a few months ago as I was really inspired by her incredible transformation story that she shared on Amy Johnson's podcast. I was wracked with anxiety and strong physical symptoms at the time but from the moment we spoke in our very first chemistry call, I just knew she’d be able to help me. She has a unique perspective that only someone whose life is no longer ruled by their ego-based thought structure can hold and through her gentle, compassionate coaching I started to see things fresh and new and symptoms started to lift. After our third call I had a huge shift in perspective, my symptoms lifted and I had a wonderful, peaceful (normal!) weekend. Of course they came back, as Missy said they would because there was still more for me to see, but just having this shift helped me to see the role thought had to play. If I could pick one thing she has helped me with the most, it’s to detach from my minds stories and recognize that my mind is not me, it’s just a commentator talking away and there was a space beyond this I could access. I’d read about that a lot, but through my coaching sessions I started to actually see it, for the first time in my life. As well as being back to living a normal life, I’m re-visiting a lot of spiritual teachings and properly understanding them for the first time.

    Missy is a wonderful human being and a truly special coach who I’ve no doubt will become a world renown speaker, so get in quick before she gets too famous 😊


    London, UK



    I am so grateful for you Missy. I am so grateful that we have crossed paths on this Earth. I am blessed to have had "binge eating" as my issue as it led me to dive into trying to "fix" myself when there was nothing to fix. I used to think that all these stressful thoughts were my thoughts because they were coming from my head. But really it is just concepts I have learned and picked up along my life journey and the whole time I was just believing everything. There was this so-called issue but it was life living me to show me that there is so much more to life than what I thought, and I get to experience it all!!! What you have helped me wake up to is that life is just living me. This has really been a game changer and has really helped me relax and be more at peace. OMG I am crying as I write this because it is so huge. Thank you.
    Blair, Nebraska


    I have to say that your teachings have made such a wonderful difference to my healing journey - I have lived all my life (I now see) in my head, troubleshooting everything, rushing around, fixing and fighting … the introduction of the idea of slowing down, with self-compassion and gentle self-inquiry and a letting go of the haste/need to fix and simply being present and kind to myself has begun to make such a discernible positive change in my journey already - I cannot thank you enough!


    By way of context, I am a married lawyer aged 55 with two teenage daughters - my nervous system seemed to suddenly crash after working flat out as a busy barrister (lawyer here) for 30 years - essentially, I had no off button. Life bumped me to a halt finally however with the onset of oddball shifting body pains and tiredness/insomnia etc etc - needless to say, now I am slowly coming out of the other side and your assistance has been so valuable - thank you so much!!!


    Also, I would love to attend any further courses you may hold in the near future where I can.


    Thanks ever so much for making such a veritable, visible shift in my healing journey Missy - I am indebted to you, honestly.



    United Kingdom


    There’s no need to worry…ever!

    If you are lucky enough, and Life brings you Missy, you will have received a marvelous gift!

    For me, Missy has the unique ability to communicate truth and wisdom with crystal clarity. Her simple, direct, gentle delivery flows and settles in the heart with a sense of “rightness.” There’s no running down the “rabbit hole” of analysis, just the kind pointing to what the mind cannot know… and she does it all with the lightest touch, with a radiant, contagious joy.

    In our time together, Missy has inspired me to trust Life in all its ups and downs, to come to see ever more deeply that discomfort and anxiety are custom-designed to shift our focus to the mysterious, supporting, amazing Essence of it all. She will, as others have predicted, be world-famous one day. I still sometimes can’t believe that I’ve actually “found” such a wonderful Being as my coach and guide!


    New Jersey


    Within my first conversation with Missy I knew that I was speaking with a rare human. Missy has the wisdom and compassion of someone far beyond her years, but I did not realize during that first call just how deep and available those qualities are within her. Missy is like a Sherpa. It is not just her understanding of the terrain but it is her firm footing in the knowledge of navigating difficult terrain. She has been a gentle guide for me, willing to help me navigate– sometimes with pointers and at other times with a kind knowing smile. She continuously amazes me.
    Tucson, Arizona

    Missy is such a bright light. She holds space in a way that is incredibly comforting and reassuring, making you feel seen, heard, and fully supported. Missy is so kind, caring, compassionate and patient. She is completely with you, present, holding your hand and asking very insightful questions. She has helped me so much in the time we have worked together and I am beyond grateful to have met her. I have had a lot of coaching before but Missy is completely unique and so is her approach. I will be forever touched and changed by the impact of our time together. Thank, you Missy.


    United Kingdom

    Missy is beyond brilliance
    Her light so bright
    There is nowhere else to look
    When I am with her
    I am relinquished
    Washed of my'self'
    - All the voices are drowned
    Little by little
    They move away
    Something has changed;
    Something has shifted and
    Life starts to look a little different
    That Peace
    That joy and love you are missing
    Is sitting there
    Right under your nose
    Closer than your own skin
    So intimate, so light, so easy


    In case you cannot tell
    I highly recommend Missy

    Emma B

    Stonor, England

    Coaching with Missy has been such a joy. She is a warm, kind-hearted bundle of energy and enthusiasm. She listens deeply and meets you exactly where you are. We are having some really helpful conversations. So many reminders of what’s true and how we really work. I have loved every moment of the time we have spent exploring together so far and look forward to seeing what unfolds next.
    Brighton, England


    I was looking for a coach to help me see the “bigger picture” and to help me stop spiraling with negative self-talk and unclear goals. In general, I am practical and goal-oriented. I like to talk through situations and then have time to practice what I have learned. Missy has held my hand and been there for me each step of the way. She has listened and guided me, continually pointing me back to the bigger picture of who I truly am beyond my story. She does all of this with such patience and kindness. She also goes out of her way to send me additional resources by text whenever she runs across something she think will inspire me to see even more. I’ve had such a phenomenal experience. I would recommend her to anyone looking to live less in their head and more fully in life.
    Cary, NC



    I feel like I don’t even know where to start with writing about my experience with Missy. Every time I think about it, my eyes fill with tears. I have been working with her for the last couple of months. We work together once a week. In the beginning, I felt like I was drowning. I felt like I would never get out of the vicious cycle of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, along with many other health challenges. I felt like I was stuck in a sea of hopelessness and always filled with fear. Just in the last two months that I have been working with Missy, so much in my life has changed for the better. So many things in my life have shifted and I am forever grateful. Missy is truly amazing at helping you realize and understand not only how the brain/mind works and what its job is, but she is brilliant at helping you come back home. And by home, I mean that place where you know all is well, that place where you know everything will be OK, the place of peace and trust and to understand that life is on your side. She has helped me see how many stories that my brain has created throughout my life that have made me live in such fear. I had so much fear over everything. From the food that I would eat to getting in the car traveling places, to being alone, to going to doctor’s visits, to EVERYTHING! For the last three years I have always had someone with me and have not been left alone for more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. And those moments were only once in a very blue moon. Just in these last couple of months working with Missy, I have been alone with both of my children, one who is barely 4 months old. I have been able to be alone for hours at a time, I have been traveling in the car more than I have in a very long time. (Including trips longer than two hours to go see family but I rarely get to see.) We have also had a nanny the last three years to help with daily chores around the house and to be with me so I wasn’t alone. We have not had a nanny in basically a year, even though my husband was offered a job to work from home last year, he is busy throughout the day so I’m alone with the kids. In the last two months working with Missy, I somehow have been able to do more physically. I can do a lot of chores, take care of my kids more, etc. My relationships have grown so much. The relationship with my spouse has grown immensely. All these things in my life have been changing that I didn’t even know would change when I started working with Missy. I wanted to work with her to get rid of anxiety and to let go of all these symptoms that I deal with on a daily basis. But I have gotten so much more than that. Some symptoms are still there, but I have such a deeper understanding of what’s really going on. That the symptoms don’t even matter anymore. I am forever grateful for Missy and I can’t wait to keep working with her and letting life just keep unfolding miraculously like it has been. Missy is truly one of the greatest gifts that I have been blessed with in my entire life. I can’t say enough about her in the work that she does. I just know that I’m forever grateful for her.

    West Point, Utah

    Missy is one of those people you instantly connect with because of her great energy and enthusiasm, and you can’t help but want more of what she has. I immediately felt comfortable working with her.
    During our coaching sessions, she could clearly see that I was caught up in some false thinking. Then she helped me see what I couldn’t see – that I could not control the situation I thought I could - and it was okay. She also helped me see that I didn’t need to control it and I didn’t need to figure it out. What a relief!
    I feel very fortunate to have met Missy and being coached by her has made a real difference in my life and how I experience it. I would recommend her as a coach to all of my friends!
    Charlottesville, Virginia